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Interacting with Our Dynamic Heart in Counseling (Part 1)


This is the first in a series of posts interacting with Dr. Jeremy Pierre's book "The Dynamic Heart in Daily Life."...

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Shut Up in the Aftermath of Sexual Abuse


One common experience for sexual abuse survivors is the apparent inability to put words to their pain....

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Before You Call a Biblical Counselor


There are questions every potential counselee should ask of themselves before attempting to engage the counseling process....

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Is Your Counselor Biblical or Biblicist?


Counselees must take the time to understand their counselor's philosophy of care before counseling begins....

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Soul Care with Spurgeon: Guilt, Shame, and Redemption in Christ (Part 4)


Charles Spurgeon taught his people that their assurance of salvation was rooted not in their good deeds, but in the power of the atoning work of Christ on the cross....

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Soul Care with Spurgeon: Guilt, Shame, and Redemption in Christ (Part 3)


On the cross, and throughout his life, Jesus overcame death and paid the price for our sin that we might live forever with him in eternity....

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Soul Care with Spurgeon: Guilt, Shame, and Redemption in Christ (Part 2)


Charles Spurgeon encourages us to measure our redemption against the backdrop of the severity of God's justice.vvv...

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Soul Care with Spurgeon: Guilt, Shame, and Redemption in Christ (Part 1)


Our hearts are prone to preach a false gospel of unending guilt and shame in the face of our sin, but Christ offers a better and eternal reward of mercy, grace, and forgiveness....

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Five Distinctive Qualities of Biblical Counseling


What makes biblical counseling unique among other counseling models?...

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On Conflict and Commitments

olive branch

A survey of prior commitments at the point of conflict and counseling may reveal attitudes of the heart that are at odds with Scripture, and detrimental to progress and healing....

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