Since our inception in 2013, it has been our mission at Baylight to see biblical counseling services accessible and affordable in our Tampa Bay community and beyond. For over ten years, we've been blessed to maintain this core value, namely, that no one would ever be turned away from Baylight Counseling because of an inability to meet our established fee structure. We credit two key factors in achieving this goal year after year: 1) the majority of our clients who are faithful to meet their counseling fee obligation, and 2) our generous ministry supporters whose financial contributions, whether client specific or undirected, allow us to work with clients who require a reduced fee calendar, or, in some cases, a pro bono arrangemment.

A reduction in counseling fees commonly involves three parties: 1) Baylight Counseling, 2) the client-in-need, and 3) the counseling sponsor. Below, we offer some general thoughts which might answer some questions that either the counseling applicant or potential sponsor might have.

For the Client-in-Need

We understand that the decision to reach out for counseling can be complicated enough. Add to that decision a measure of financial hardship, and it can be enough to persuade someone away from counseling altogether. We don't want you to be detered from counseling because of dollars and cents. Instead, we'd be glad to have a conversation with you about the general facts of your situation, and then to offer up guidance on how you might be able to find financial assistance to bridge the gap. In our experience, it is very often that a person's family, friends, or home church would be happy to partner with you in pursuing your need for counseling. We willl happily guide you through the request-for-sponsorship process. You may well find that someone in your circle would be thrilled to receive such a request from you--and sometimes that someone turns out to be someone you didn't expect would come alongside you in this effort. When they do, it can be a tremendous encouragement.


1) The first and biggest step toward obtaining sponsorship for counseling services is coming to a willingness to prayerfully and humbly share the need, and make the ask.

2) Consider what you can sacrificially contribute to your counseling. We have found that a majority of people who cannot meet our full counseling fee can still contribute something. What would be a legitimate percentage in your circumstance? Once you come to that conclusion, you can submit that figure to your potential sponsor, asking for the remainder over a pre-determined number of sessions. This approach offers some assurance to your sponsor that you are making an investment in your care, even as you seek their support.

For the Sponsor

We recognize that you could choose to invest your charitable funds in many other worthy directions. For that reason, we appreciate that you would consider sponsoring counseling for a specific person (friend, family member, co-worker, etc.), or perhaps providing a one-time or recurring gift to Baylight Counseling for the support of our counselees at-large (undesignated gifts help us maintain stability in our counseling fee structure).

In either case, your financial support will make a difference in the life of an individual, a married or pre-married couple, or perhaps the parents of a young person struggling with the pressures of modern life. If you've been approached by someone seeking biblical counseling services with us and have questions, or if you'd like to provide undesignated financial assistance in furtherance of our mission to provide affordable, clinically-informed, Christ-centered biblical counseling, you can choose to send us your contribution electronically, by mail, or in-person.

To donate today, please Click Here.

Note: As Baylight Counseling is a nonprofit 501C3 organization, your charitable gifts may be tax deductible. Please feel free to contact us at any time for more information on becoming a sponsor of clinically-informed, Christ-centered biblical counseling!