Posts Tagged with "depression"

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Christian: Remember Your Baptism


Remembering our baptism in the face of troubled emotions and circumstances....

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Liturgy and the Disquieted Soul


Lord's Day liturgical practice can have a profound effect upon those struggling with problematic emotions...

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Free to Struggle


Our responses to life's trials and tribulations may seem to come automatic, but we should not accept them automatically....

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Taking Every Thought Captive


When facing troubling circumstances and emotions, we must preach the gospel to ourselves....

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Soul Care with Spurgeon: Guilt, Shame, and Redemption in Christ (Part 1)


Our hearts are prone to preach a false gospel of unending guilt and shame in the face of our sin, but Christ offers a better and eternal reward of mercy, grace, and forgiveness....

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David Murray on Depression and the Body/Soul Connection

Murray Depressed

David Murray writes about depression and the body/soul connection....

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