Posts Tagged with "marriage"

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A.R.E. You Serious About Your Marriage?


Biblically grounded attachment bonds in marriage are helped by increasing accessibility, responsiveness, and engagement between husband and wife....

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Fighting for God's Glory


In moments of conflict, married couples must take the time to understand why they're fighting, and compare those reasons with Scripture....

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(Re)Build Your Marital Trust Fund


Four biblical keys to building and maintaining trust in marriage....

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Why Can't We Be Friends?


Friendship in marriage has been marred by sin, but can be restored by faith in Jesus Christ....

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As You Love Yourself


The call to love God and neighbor are keys to success in biblical counseling....

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On Conflict and Commitments

olive branch

A survey of prior commitments at the point of conflict and counseling may reveal attitudes of the heart that are at odds with Scripture, and detrimental to progress and healing....

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